Navigating Hormones and Finding Balance

Last week, I felt pulled in so many directions that I almost forgot what it’s like to have control of my day. I was co-chairing an event at my kids’ school, which required me to be there every morning—right during my usual gym time (though there’s been a LOT of golf this summer!). I thrive on a solid routine, so this shift in my schedule threw me off balance. I felt the effects almost immediately—without my regular workout, I was less grounded and more frazzled.

On Thursday, knowing my period was due in a day or so (yes, still regular over here!), I opted to teach my CrossFit classes but skipped the workout myself. For those who don’t know, the days before your period aren’t ideal for intense workouts. Your body’s energy levels dip, and pushing through a hardcore session can raise cortisol levels, which defeats the purpose. Instead of working out, I spent 20 minutes using my Sensate, a meditation device that helps calm the vagus nerve, which is central to the parasympathetic nervous system. Why? Because tuning into my body and managing stress was more important than another sweaty session.

Golf Over CrossFit: Choosing Rest and Self-Care

I chose golf instead, getting the light movement appropriate for this phase in my cycle. And although I’ve been swapping CrossFit for golf a lot this summer, it felt particularly necessary that day. Was there chaos waiting for me at home? Of course. But I handled it like a champ. It’s amazing how shifting your approach to fitness and stress can make a world of difference.

We wrapped up the week by heading to Jellystone for the first weekend of fall break, which brought some much-needed quality time with my kids (and with myself—I finished a WHOLE book!).

Funny thing though—we had to leave the house to make that happen. It seems that unless my kids’ faces are glued to a screen, they’re completely lost on what to do with themselves. It’s hard to create those meaningful moments when everyone’s constantly distracted by technology.

OMG, The Sugar Cravings!

And speaking of distractions, let’s talk about sugar cravings. OMG. They were out of control this week. I’ve always had a sweet tooth, but perimenopause is taking these cravings to the next level. Between the stress and the timing (week before my period, of course), I found myself reaching for anything sweet. Ironically, too much sugar just adds to the stress on my body. It affects my energy, performance, and worsens perimenopausal symptoms. Oh, and let’s not forget the belly fat. Sugar is sneaky—it’s addictive, and the more you eat, the more you crave. I know this, but awareness is always the first step, right?

Now, I’m not cutting out sugar completely. That goes against everything I stand for as a health coach. Deprivation doesn’t work long-term (although it can be a short term strategy to get you started). But I can be more mindful. The goal is to get sugar cravings under control before Halloween and candy season hits full swing. So, what’s the plan?

The Plan to Take Control

First, I’m upping my protein and making sure I stay hydrated. I’ll also be stocking up on fruit and berries—nature’s sugar. The goal isn’t to eliminate sweets entirely but to manage them in a way that supports my health, especially as I navigate this perimenopausal phase of life.

It’s all about balance, awareness, and making small shifts that add up over time. And honestly, some days it’s about being gentler with yourself, knowing that you’re doing the best you can.

Until Next Week…

Remember, it’s not about being perfect—it’s about making progress, one small step at a time. Until next week, keep showing up for yourself in whatever way you can. You’ve got this!